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DAR: Daughters of the American Revolution
Roger Williams Genealogy
Website is added to and revised regularly. Please leave corrections and additions and questions and comments in the Guest Book.  Susan Dudley Griffith
Harold Dudley, Family Ancestry Organizer
Dudley/Barlow/Lumsden/etc. Families
I will go within these letters and
extract genealogy information given. (Sometime)
Roger Williams Genealogy
from his daughter Freeborn
Lumsden Family:
John Lumsden, soldier, DAR link
Margaret Dudley Griffith's genealogy booklet, filled in by hand for her children
Our Ancestor Roger Williams
A Brief Biography of Roger Williams
Dudley Genealogy (small, red) book
Other Graves
and names to check at
and other places online

I have account but very little added there as yet: June 28, 2014

R S Griffith

Louise Cook

M V Griffith

Maryland Griffith etc

Louis Griffith

others from upcoming search
for Griffith genealogy

Charlotte Patteson

Roger Williams Dudley

Beverley Roy Dudley I

Beverley Roy Dudley Jr.

Beverley Roy Dudley III

Beverley Roy Dudley IV

Morris Cooper


Cooperancestors - research


Richard's mother's relatives:
sister, parents, etc.

Robert Bigham mother, father,
aunt, stepmother, sister, stepsibs,other

Kelly Griffith mother,
maternal grandmother, etc.

and many more
(Suggest in Guest Book!)
Pattison-Griffith Family
Roger Williams of Providence, R.I.
Volume II
Roger Williams Family Association
Lain Family
Beadles Family
Cranston Family
Beverley Allen Griffith Bigham     has additional
Roger Williams Family Association meeting notes from the 60's,
that are not copied here.
I, or a volunteer with time and interest, will add names at, where some or many family ancestors no doubt are listed already. I have an account there which I will, of course, share. Leave a Guest Book entry or email me at
Current notes, thoughts, etc., and files yet to be categorized on this page:
Just added: Handwritten Genealogy, hard to read
Document original is one long page, with front and back. Thus, there are 2 views here for the front of that page, and 2 views here for the back of each page - in .pdf. Then those same views are also shown in .jpg. See which is easier for you toread.

Page 1 of Handwritten Genealogy in .PDF
Page 2 of Handwritten Genealogy in .PDF
Page 3 of Handwritten Genealogy in .PDF
Page 4 of Handwritten Genealogy in .PDF

Page 1 of Handwritten Genealogy in .JPG
Page 2 of Handwritten Genealogy in .JPG
Page 3 of Handwritten Genealogy in .JPG
Page 4 of Handwritten Genealogy in .JPG